Increase conversion rate and boost customer satisfaction

Popular payment methods in the Nordic region

Strong, well-known brands with over 13 million users in the Nordic region.


Well integrated in Walley Checkout

Phone numbers are retrieved from the customer profile, and the customer never leaves the checkout during payment.

pay with mobile

Payment directly via mobile

Since Swish, Vipps and MobilePay are always close at hand, they have become the most common payment methods among customers who use mobile devices for shopping.

increase conversion

Lifts conversion at checkout

With Swish, Vipps and MobilePay, customers face one obstacle less to complete their purchases, especially when they buy with a mobile device or spend smaller sums.



With 7 million users, Swish is one of the most popular payment methods in Sweden, especially when buying with a mobile. It’s an easy, fast and secure way to pay.

Logo Vipps


With 4 million Norwegian users, Vipps has become the most popular brand in Norway. All the customer needs to make a payment is to have the Vipps app available on purchase. Fast, easy and flexible!

mobile pay logo


Over 4 million users in Denmark and 1.7 million in Finland make their everyday payments with mobile payment app MobilePay. Add MobilePay to your checkout and enable even more easy, secure and fast payments.

Customized customer experiences with Walley Checkout

Walley Checkout has an intuitive user interface with ready-made integration modules that make getting started really easy.

Read more about Walley Checkout

lofi payment widgets

Want to know more about local payments methods?

With Swish, Vipps or MobilePay in your checkout, you let your customers pay in a way they prefer. Contact us to know how to implement the most popular payment methods in the Nordic region.

Contact Us