Satisfied customers buy more

Offering flexible partial payment methods gives customers an opportunity to decide when and how they want to pay for their purchase. Clearly informing your customers about different alternatives leads to a better user experience – and satisfied customers tend to spend more.

cart with textbubbles containing plus

Simple, clear and promotional

The possibility of paying in installments can be crucial for an ongoing purchase to be completed – especially when it comes to more expensive product.

chart blocks

Higher average purchases

When customers are offered to pay in installments, the value of their shopping cart is on average 50% higher than it is when using regular invoicing. This could have a big impact on your profitability.

percentage circle

Easy to implement

The Payment Widget is easy to implement on your product pages. Place it next to the product to inform your customers about the possibility to pay in installments.

chart profile

Transparency to your customers

Payment Widget provides clear information about partial payment options. The customer can see monthly cost, including fees and interest rates.

Get started with Payment Widget

On Walley's Developer Portal you will find all the documentation to implement the Payment Widget. The message communicated in the widget is adjusted according to the price of the product.

Learn how to implement Payment Widget in Developer Portal

wallys addons payment widget

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